Pelastetaan Pässi project
The aim of this project is to restore and present Finland’s first and oldest narrow-gauge steam locomotive nicknamed Pikku-Pässi. With the completion of this project, a new learning environment will be created, consisting of a depot and a railway for the locomotive. Currently, the locomotive is being restored to working order at a workshop in Jokioinen.
Read more abour the project on Pelastetaan Pässi hompages!

Pikku-Pässi when it was new in the 1890’s. Photo: Fiskars museum photo collections.

Under the renovation the locomotive original colours are restored. Photo: Fiskars museum photo collections.

Villagers’ boarding the train carriages. To the right you can see the original locomotive depot. Photo: Fiskars museum photo collections.

Fiskars firebrigade traveling with Pikku-Pässi. Photo: Fiskars museum photo collections.