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The Festive Traditions at the Ironworks

Fiskars museum presented a theme exhibition about the most popular feasts in Fiskars in 2014 to celebrate Fiskars ironworks 365 anniversary. Please read the articles bellow or visit the basic exhibition.

Annual Celebrations of Fiskars Company

Fiskars Oyj Abp, is Finland’s oldest listed company still functioning. Its roots lie in the ironworks founded in Fiskars in 1649. This year, in 2014,

Read more about Annual Celebrations of Fiskars Company

Christmas at Fiskars Ironworks

The word joulu (meaning Christmas) is common to all Nordic languages. It was already in use in pagan times,

Read more about Christmas at Fiskars Ironworks

Midsummer at Fiskars Ironworks

Midsummer Day has been celebrated in Christian tradition to honour the birth of John the Baptist. Coinciding with Midsummer Day, there was the summer solstice,

Read more about Midsummer at Fiskars Ironworks

You, You we Celebrate!

The tradition of name days in Finland goes at least as far as the 18th century, and as such is one our oldest traditions still celebrated.

Read more about You, You we Celebrate!

May Day Traditions in Fiskars

May Day is between the vernal equinox and the Midsummer Day, and was originally celebrated to mark summer’s victory over winter. In agrarian Finland,

Read more about May Day Traditions in Fiskars